3 things that make me not Ever Deny Google Adsense

Register for google adsense is not an easy matter. So often people do desperate ways than usual to have a google adsense account. Although sometimes the way is pretty powerful, but usually an instant way will quickly terbanned.

Maybe you've heard about adsense list methods like, how wacky list of adsense, adsense, adsense crocodile pit of gunung kidul. These ways can be so give quick results. But it is not without risk, even the experts argue, the enrolment in the extreme approach of google adsense, can be risky when large balances already banned.

Sayang, when your adsense balance is already great and you dibanned. Maybe you will feel stress when it happened, not even seldom anyone to leave a lover, because google adsense dibanned. But that possibility can be pressed when you register with goole adsense properly.

Here are 3 things that God made me never rejected google adsense. Thanks to the 3 things that I have never felt the bitter rejected, in the cable and dibanned.

1. I never list google adsense

The first thing that got me was never rejected, Hung even decided google adsense is because I never register be publiser google adsense. Logically if the register there are three possibilities, accepted, rejected or suspended. Just like you love the opposite sex, you shoot the opposite sex you, chances are you could be rejected or accepted, but did not close the possibility you won't get any answers (hang, like clothes that are dried).

After received still any chance you decided upon unilaterally by the adsense (a term widely known as dibanned). No exception when you are dating, you can disconnect at any time, and anywhere. Where every error, there is a possibility to break. Even after marriage and have children, you can still get divorced, because the problem of idle (click bomb).

According to my google adsense that like women, which is very hard to obtained. However it is very accessible by those who are handsome and rich people (large and well-known site). That's the reason I was reluctant to shoot (register) a chick called google adsense. Because I feel confident and believe, I certainly would get rejected outright by the girls (google adsense). Because what? Since I am not handsome people (want to talk ugly kokenemenen), nor is it the rich and still not old enough, also still smell kencur.

"increasingly pursued getting away is never weary tuk get mu" that is the image of bloggers who are very crazy about is the same woman who called google adsense. Google adsense is not a woman who is very beautiful-Let's even still his brother cantikan si amat named raisah itul lo (which actually I am ser this now). But chick named google adsense is the prettiest to competitors, as well as the most beautiful girl lia processed my time still school first (while remembering the past).

2. I am not too familiar with google adsense

To be honest I confess I've been blogging from the year 2013, have often failed, but I still keep trying. Like it was said by dmasiv "don't give up, don't give up. Lord please be sure indicate its power, for his Stoic and never despair ". Words that are easy to pronounce and remember but difficult to do, but I am confident and believe what is said that is true what dmasiv him.

Although blogging since the year 2013 but I have too know the chick who called google adsense. I only know by word of mouth (the term kerenya he said eh she says) google adsese it sweet results. A lot of bloggers who try planting in hader, body and footer of the blog. appeared, it appeared his ads, ads clicked on the message in the email your account is disabled, the illness of tu here said.

Just as Katy Perry, I just knew she was pretty, sweet and friendly, it is definitely rare upset. But many people say it is indeed real, tested and often praised. I would like to approach but not I brani, because it can not budheg fear and ditilang pak police. Because I have not got any more deposits money to ngasih envelope (buying google adsense account).

Yes rather I can only be in awe, and a bit of their successful ngiri to shake and a bite to eat at the luxury hotel majestic nan. I can only drool when they see (the blogger) made to sense and given extraordinary gifts by women craving them.

3. not having a blog that adsense can be registered

Cause I never list google adsense because I haven't had a decent blog and deserve to have a companion like google adsense. I've never had a few blogs with costum domain TLD (top level domain), which is already valid Whew, got the predicate and the blog nyjeblog. Blog-blog nyjeblog I also suspended intake due to lack of content and backlinks, and eventually dies by itself since I got cancer (dry bag) and could not extend the lease and rent hosting domain.

Weld and without mercy to me, my domain dilahap directly by the hunters domain zombie, without Commission ngasih se penny told me. When the domain was already much backlinknya, because I'm poor so hard to extend lease my domain. But eventually I accepted gracefully, because I fear the reply too protest later hunted (la wong hastily in the opo wae zombie meneh I)

the 3 things above, it is very menakjukan for me, how do not. Thanks to the three things above I have never felt that his name, rejected, suspended, banned the same google adsense. But if the problem was rejected women, it has become the food of my monthly paporit. Because almost every bulah I always try to shoot women, but naasnya I have never accepted.

It's like a living dead lights hesitate, but what power I'm just an ordinary employee. It feels like to despair, but Word dmasiv "don't give up, be sure to show the greatness of God and his power." Although hearts have been tired, but I'm not desperate and will keep trying. Women are indeed wonderful, wonderful teasing smile, let alone kalo are cheek dimples. Not until feels if I'm now being ngelamun.

I never rejected google adsense not because I have a powerful kick or jaran rocking especially when applying mesem semar girl named google adsense, melaikan has never been registered. And indeed I do not deserve to become an advertiser on google adsense. Finally, I am grateful for never felt the pain of being rejected, suspended or dibaned on google adsense.

Source : http://www.ipinlambar.web.id

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