Easy tips to improve your website speed

Have you ever noticed that your website is too slow? Do take a long time to load a page? Does Your website speed is not satisfactory? If Yes, then you must know how to increase website speed, because this is very important.

Please be aware that this is a serious problem, not just the problem of visitors will leave your site, but it can affect your website's position in Google.

Remember, when your website has a speed of loading pages, then it will be more advantageous for you because the speed of the website included in google's ranking factors.
8 easy Tips to improve your website speed

1. start with a nice analysis

The first step is to do a good website analysis and stressed the main deficiencies in the show by the website.

Figure out exactly where the problem is very important in making the right decision in the analysis website.

Below are some of the tools/tools online that can help you in this analysis.

Google Page Speed Tools is one of the most popular tools for analyzing in increasing the speed of the website and to diagnose errors that can be corrected.

This tool also shows what can be fixed as in the mobile site for example, but is generally the same as in the desktop version. Most of the problems can be fixed simply presented.

Pingdom is a tool that is more complete and offers a more in-depth look at the speed of the website. With Pingdom you can analyze your website from the perspective of various places in the world.

For example, if you want to know the speed of your site when accessed from the US or Australia.

This tool displays the speed in a matter of seconds, the overall performance of Your site, and size in units of MB (mrgabyte).

You can also check points which must be repaired and looking at the performance of the site in General. A tool that really should be taken into account when analyzing the speed of the web site.

GTmetrix provides information about the performance of your website and provide useful recommendations about how to mengoptimalkannya. Simply enter the url of your domain and wait recommendation from GTmetrix.

The great advantage of this tool is already measuring the speed of the site by using the parameters Google Page Speed with the average. Your site is also displayed to all other sites are reviewed in GTmetrix.

2. Select a nice theme

If you are using CMS WordPress for example, you need to analyze the theme settings that are being used on your website.

The theme is loaded from a lot of scripts can overload the server with a lot of unnecessary demand, resulting in a delay in loading the site.

This is very important to maintain the stability of your website, so make sure you choose a good WordPress Theme and match it with your site

Of the thousands of free WordPress theme you can select even change the theme as you wish to find a match, the one thing you want must surely find an appropriate display.

But my advice, use premium WordPress theme that features – features that are already in the optimize.

3. Optimize your images to increase website speed

Now we get on one of the most critical points that affect the speed of the website. The picture is very influential on the slowness of a site or a Web site.

The more images, the more resources that will be uploaded and this negatively affect upload and speed of the site. The image also needs a disck spce hosting large enough in your file storage.

In this case, what should I do? things you should do is to optimize all images of the site to a smaller size.

This can be done easily using TinyPNG for compresses an unused and shrink the size/capacity of the image.

Or if you want more practical, you can use the plugin to compress the image. That way, your image will be automatically dikompress when uploaded to the posting.

4. Uninstall unnecessary plugins

Did you know that the plugin can slow down the performance of the website? Even some bloggers are not so specific plugin functionality to know what?

Then the best way is to remove the installation to save resources and make your website become more lightweight and stable.

The widget is not important as clock and weather forecasts will also create website speed to be slow. Avoid using trinkets like this to improve website speed.

5. activate the cache of your site

One of the solutions to increase the speed of the website is to enable caching. The page cache is the copy that is stored and displayed when there is a new access.

Cache serves to conserve the resources of the server, because it avoids the request new data from the site already loaded before.

You can enable caching on your site through the installed plugins with one click. In it you can configure to save and clear the cache when needed.

6. Eliminate excessive advertising

If you expose third-party ads, this can also contribute to slow down your website. This problem often occurs on website news and content memonetisasi site with advertising.

Too many clans within the site will only slow down your website and delaying the loading of the page.

Not to mention the problem of the user experience may be compromised because of too much advertising, so we recommend that you put an ad in the limit of reasonableness, as it will affect the speed of your website.

7. Compress JS and CSS files

Java Script is a collection of code that served to execute content and certain elements correctly. When the page is accessed, the script is requested from the server and there will be very influential on the speed of the website.

To reduce the time it takes the server in reading the script, you can do the compression.

To accomplish this task you can rely on plugins that minimize and compacting the size of this code, thus improve the speed of the site.

8. choose a good hosting service

After doing all possible optimization of website speed is still less satisfying, it's time to review hosting services you use.

It is important to Choose the best Hosting that fits the needs of your website. In this case it is necessary to use the appropriate hosting platform that is used to get the best performance.

A good hosting provider will help you improve website speed. Make sure the company offers this support and optimize your technical problems as possible.


If you are having problems loading slow in the site pages, these tips can help increase the speed of your website.

In addition, it is worth doing the regular tests to understand and identify the points that need to be improved.

In this way, will further enhance the best experience for users of your site, because in the virtual world, everything has to be fast.

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